Create Good 24 – The Anxious Communicator


Whether you’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or just have an increase in anxiety thanks to all that’s happening in your world, you’re not alone. 19.1% of the U.S. population report being affected by an anxiety disorder – and that’s just what’s reported. Using simple checklists and processes, you can help guide your anxious brain to nonprofit comms success and a less stressful workday. Kate Runy from BC/DC Ideas will share how her anxiety and ADHD has helped her develop a method that reduces mistakes and helps her brain go from the what-if-worries to grounded action that gets things done.

Session Takeaways:

  • Logical checklists that will help you with processes from sending emails to creating blog content
  • A process to edit yourself and others to reduce errors
  • Why slowing down is best even when it feels like the worst
  • How to move forward instead of dwelling on a mistake or letting that fear mean inaction


Kate Runy

As Communications Specialist for BC/DC Ideas, Kate manages online content and social media for clients in a variety of sectors that range from legal membership organizations to animal rescue and more. In addition to creating words to fit any platform, Kate loves creating graphics that capture attention for clients. She also is the reporting hub for BC/DC Ideas projects and enjoys creating dashboards full of data.

She also provides communications and membership services for, a directory of nonprofit consultants and coaches that connects nonprofits to the right person for the right project.

Before joining BC/DC Ideas, Kate coordinated website and social media content, communications, and advertising for organizations including Go Global NC and Dementia Alliance for NC.

Things that make her happy: Dogs. She co-founded a nonprofit to help spay and neuter dogs just because she loves them so much!

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