Website Best Practices
Get a primer on that next level of website “to-dos” list. Learn tips to easily understand responsiveness for mobile, basic website security, how to schedule database backups, why building a website succession plan is essential and more. During this session, web developer Leandra Ganko will emphasize WordPress sites but will have principles that can be […]
Proven Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Tactics
Peer-to-Peer fundraising is the secret to making your next digital fundraising initiative successful. Candace Cody, manager of education + success at CauseVox, will highlight proven tactics uncovered from analyzing thousands of peer-to-peer fundraising efforts—including events, giving days, annual funds, and corporate partnerships.
2-HOUR WORKSHOP – Getting Your Communications Planning Right
Most nonprofit communications plans have big goals and lots of tactics, but come up short on the specific strategies and measurable objectives — which are the most critical parts of your plan that should drive everyday communications decision making!